Monday, September 3, 2012

New Year, New Room

     I can't believe it is time for a new school year!  I loved meeting all my new friends at Open House!  They are super duper cute, and I can't wait to get started tomorrow.  I forgot to take pictures of several things in the room, so hopefully, I can get those up tomorrow (depending on how exhausted I am!)
I've had the privilege of attending a few of Pat Leonard's seminars.  She is a rock star in the preschool world here in Georgia.  One of the activities that she has up as a free center is a number line.  I decided to do an alphabet and number line on the back of one of my cubbies.  On the pockets are the upper case letter and the lower case letters are on sticks with a Dr. Seuss hat.  I'm planning on changing the letters out thematically.  On the bottom pockets are dots to represent numbers, and on the hats are the numeral.  I'm going to introduce this the first week of school, so that when they are finished with their work they are able to do this.  Eventually, they will also have the option of reading books, but we have to learn how to properly use books! :)

Each student has the opportunity to be the Star Bellied Sneetch of the Week.  They take home a poster that is completed and returned back to school that is then hung up on this wall.  Everyday they have a special activity to do.

The Reading Center-  I did not realize you could see my mess in the background when I took this picture!  I made the red crates last year that they can sit on while reading.  I'll try to get a better angle tomorrow!

Calendar Wall-  I was so excited to actually find a Dr. Seuss calendar at Michael's this year!  

Our Class Wish List-  They take a fish off the wall to donate an item to the classroom.

Can't wait to put up our first craft!  We did the first part at Open House and will finish it up the first week of school.

I do not have room for a Word Wall, so we have a Word Door! :)  
Yikes!  I realized my o fell off the wall!  It should read Horton Hears a Helper

I'm off to finish getting ready for our first day tomorrow!  Can't wait!

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